Here is a quick overview of the process to create a Ubuntu system image that is bootable with Android chroot. It uses the rootstock utility to setup the initial image, including release version, username/password, image size, as well as to seed the desired packages to be pre-installed with the distro. For complete options with rootstock, consult the man pages. Quickstart: mkdir ubuntu cd ubuntu sudo rootstock \ --fqdn ubuntu \ --login ubuntu \ --password ubuntu \ --imagesize 4G \ --dist maverick \ --seed linux-image-omap,build-essential,mysql-server,tightvncserver,lxde,\ mysql-server-core-5.
Getting the OpenNI and PrimeSense drivers working on Ubuntu Here’s an overview of the process to get the OpenNI and PrimeSense drivers working with the Kinect and Ubuntu. Begin by installing some dependencies: sudo apt-get install git-core cmake freeglut3-dev pkg-config build-essential libxmu-dev libxi-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev doxygen graphviz mono-complete Make a directory to store the build, then clone the OpenNI source from Github. mkdir ~/kinect cd ~/kinect git clone Run the RedistMaker script in the Platform/Linux folder and install the output binaries
Mouse control with OpenKinect on Ubuntu Linux Here is a quick tutorial to get use your hand as a mouse in a Minority Report-esque interface using the Kinect and Ubuntu. Credit to Ooblik (Tim Flaman) for the awesome project. Before you begin, ensure that you have installed the OpenKinect drivers and they are functioning correctly. Quickstart sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev freeglut3-dev libX11-dev libxtst-dev libxmu-dev cmake git git clone cd Kinect-Mouse mkdir build cd build cmake .
Getting started with OpenKinect on Ubuntu Linux There are two ways you can get OpenKinect (freenect) working on Ubuntu: either by installing the prebuilt PPA package, or compiling from source. I’ve confirmed at both of these methods are functional, the package based method is slightly more straightforward, and allows updates from the apt package manager. This article will demonstrate installation via this method, for details on the manual compilation method, check out the official OpenKinect Getting Started Guide
This tutorial will demonstrate remote control of 3 AC outlets with Android and IOIO. The tutorial uses the 3 Channel Remote AC Outlets from DealExtreme. The cost, less than $25 shipped for the set of three, is quite a savings over alternatives like the PowerSwitch Tail ($25 each), also, they are wireless with a pretty good range as well. They also have single and dual outlet version. Note: all three of these models are 110V/US plugs.